Monday, January 15, 2007

Celebrity Look-A-Likes At Weddings

Recently, one of my new clients showed me a photograph of her future brother-in-law. After looking more closely at the photo, I said, "He looks like Bernie Mac!" Apparently everyone who has seen him has said the same thing!

At a wedding I photographed in 2006, I had a guest who looked just like Eddie Murphy! Several guests made the connection as well.

I've seen so many different "look-a-likes" over the years. But the one guy who I'd say takes the cake is the guy who looked just like Santa Claus! Yes, he had a white moustache and beard and was wearing red too! I'd post a picture, but I don't want to offend in case he didn't think it was funny...

I plan to keep my eyes open for other look-a-likes this wedding season. If I can get their permission, I'll post some in the future!

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