Monday, April 13, 2009

Me or I

It seems a lot of people don't know when to use the word "Me" or the word "I" in a sentence.

Too often, I hear people saying things like, "My mom and me went to the party." That's wrong. It should be, "My mom and I went to the party." People also say, "Me and my mom..." That's wrong too!

Or how about this one, "The party was for my Mom and I." That's wrong too. It should be, "The party was for my mom and me."

So what determines the right way to say something? Well, just think of what the sentence sounds like without the other person being in the sentence.

For instance, would you say, "Me went to the party" or would you say, "I went to the party?" The latter of course is correct. So by adding in your mom, it would then be proper to say, "My mom and I went to the party." By the way, you always put yourself LAST in the sentence, not first!

The same thing is correct with the other sentence. Would you say, "The party was for I" or would you say, "The party was for me?" Again, the latter is correct. So the proper sentence would be, "The party was for my mom and me."

I think people sometimes use the word "I" wrong simply because they think it sounds more "proper" to use I than me. That's just wrong.

So, I hope me have helped you. That's wrong too. :)

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