Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Heroes - Are You Watching?

I don't watch a lot of television... at least not like some people. I can't say that when I was younger though. I used to watch a lot of television. But today, there's just too much to do and so I pick only certain shows to watch.

Among these is the NBC show, "Heroes." What an amazing show!

Are you watching? What do you think?

If you have missed a recent episode, you can see it on-line if you go to www.nbc.com and click on the Heroes link.

My family's favorite character on the show is Hiro, the Japanese guy who can stop time and teleport himself. I think this is one of the first times that a main character of a show actually does most of his dialogue in a language other than English. From an interview I saw of him, he said that he translates all of the dialogue himself. The writers of the show give him his lines in English and he translates it to Japanese. He is so funny on the show! My daughter says, "He's awesome!"

Which character do you like best? Which Hero's ability do you think is the best?

Personally, I like Hiro's character, but I like Peter Petrelli's ability because like the villian Syler, he can gather new powers everytime he is in contact with another Hero. But Claire's ability to regenerate after being mortally wounded is kind of cool too!

Among the other shows I watch is "Crossing Jordan." My family got hooked on watching this show because it was something to do on a Sunday night. Now they are moving it to Wednesdays, so we'll see if we can still keep watching. I love watching this show because I'm amazed at what they show on it. Not too long ago, it would be impossible to see something like an autopsy on network TV. Obviously, it's faked, but the amount of detail they show on this show is simply amazing. Because I've been to many real autopsies in the past, none of the things they show on TV really shock me, but it's still interesting to see it on TV.

I don't watch the autopsies on the show like most people. Sure, I say, "Look at that!" when I see some gruesome shots of the bodies they show. But what I really do that irritates my family is that I'll say, "Look... the body's breathing!" That's just the funniest thing to me! The bodies on the autopsy table are often seen breathing! Of course they take very shallow breaths, but if you look close, you can see it.

My wife says I take all the fun out of the show when I point that out. But come on... how can you not laugh when you see that?! :)

People ask me all the time if I watch CSI or one of its spin-offs. Actually, I don't. I have seen a couple of episodes lately, but I'm not a regular viewer. Although the show does try to keep real by doing some of the same things that I recall doing when I worked in a crime lab, but some of the things are just unbelievable. Because of that, I can't watch without saying, "That's fake... that can't be done." Takes all the fun out of the show for me and for anyone around me.

Of course, shows like Heroes is fake too. But at least I know that going into the show...

What are you watching?

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