Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Photography At Night

From last Saturday's wedding... Which do you prefer? Click on each image to get a closer look.

The first image was taken the way most people would do... shot with a flash outside. The second image was taken with a flash as well... but why is the background so much brighter? Well, it takes a little "know-how" to create the quality of the second image. (Like I always tell my clients, "That's what you pay me for!")

The lighter background wasn't "faked" in Photoshop. It was done with the camera at the time the image was taken. Which image would you consider the "pro" shot? By the way, the real light outside was really about a cross between the two images. With a standard flash technique, you can expect the results you see in the first image. But with a little camera manipulation, the second image was made possible. The bride and groom was still exposed the same though! Cool, huh?

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