Tuesday, January 03, 2017

iRobot Roomba 805 Update - Roomba 880

Roomba Update: Well, the Christmas tree and other decorations were taken down yesterday. It generated a lot of pine needles and other junk all over the floor, so I couldn't wait to see how well the Roomba would do picking it all up.
I can tell you, I am impressed. The roomba has a built-in microphone that "hears" when there is a lot of debris being picked up at a given spot, so it goes back and forth in that area to vacuum more than it normally would. It's a smart way to do it really. When that dirt gets picked up, it "clicks" more as it hits the dust bin, so the machine knows there must be more dirt in that area than normal and so it concentrates more effort there!
Overall, it picked up perhaps 90-95% of the things left on the ground. However, I ran the Roomba a total of three times, just to be sure everything got picked up... just in case.
Vacuuming manually would have perhaps been a cleaner job because you see where to work more. But again, being a lazy housekeeper, doing it automatically is just so much easier and more fun for sure!
I've included a photo of one of our Christmas trees this year. While it's an artificial tree, it still generated lost pine needles. The garland on the mantel didn't help either!
We've had this Roomba for about three weeks now. Initially, it picked up so much stuff (even though we thought our floors were clean) that we had to stop often to dump the dust bin out! Most likely, it's due to the stuff under beds, etc. Now that it's been running every other day downstairs and twice per week upstairs, there are less things being picked up to force a dust bin cleaning in mid-cycle. Even though we vacuum every other day, I am always amazed that dirt and dust gets picked up every time the Roomba runs! Just goes to show you that a home does generate a lot more dirt and dust than you think! Consistent cleaning is the key to keeping a home more dust-free!

To see all Roombas and accessories on my Amazon affiliate account, click here.


Unknown said...

Thank you for giving this thorough review. I am considering this Roomba from Costco.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great review...I am considering this or the 980...Still not sure which one to get...

Unknown said...

Very accurate evaluation of the 805 roomba I got one last Christmas and I too love it...so mush am buying another for downstairs as and I am sure you noticed it does zero brush damage to the carpet.