The world according to Russ... Be sure to visit my food blog at
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Recorded Songs By Me
If you go to, you'll get to hear an oldie but goodie entitled, "How Long." This is a song I used to play all the time back in the 70's... but I re-recorded this version around 2003. This is a slightly extended version of the old song by the group "Ace."
One of the other songs is an instrumental named, "Lights Out San Francisco." The arrangement is totally not by me... it's by guitarists Craig Chaquico along with Peter White. But I decided I wanted to find out how I'd sound doing it.
Check out the songs and let me know what you think! And yes, that's me playing and singing everything you hear on the recordings.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Another Computer Crash!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Metallic Print Option for Leather Albums
This year, my leather albums have a couple of new options... metallic prints for the albums and also Photo Covers.
It's not really that expensive to have your entire album printed on Metallic paper, so consider this option if you are looking at getting a wedding album. Each image takes on a special "sheen" that really grabs attention compared to a standard print.
Call for an appointment to see the new albums and album options!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Nikon D3 with 70-200mm f2.8 VR lens

Well, here it is... I use a Nikon D3 camera body with a Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED lens. The combination is great for low light, distance shots. Sometimes I'll add on a Nikon SB-800 flash to it as well, but most often it's just as you see it here.
The camera and lens weigh about 6 lbs without the flash. It's not a lightweight by any means. But this combination allows me to capture great images from a distance in relatively low light. I'd say during the actual wedding ceremony, I use this combo the most. Often I am not allowed to get too close during the ceremony and very rarely am I allowed to use a flash. So it's not unusual for you to see me in the back of the church sanctuary shooting with this.
Heavy, but effective!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Birthday... to me and my daughter!
Now I won't tell you how old each of us are, but let's say this... both of these birthdays have major significance in the scheme of life. I'll let you try to figure that out...
School has been cancelled for her today because of the extreme cold temperature here in the Chicago area, so she's thrilled about that. But she has to study for final exams... bummer!
We'll go out later for dinner, but not much else is planned. I've got work to do and she's got studying to do. That's how we plan to spend our birthdays today.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Planet Groove at Blues Bar - Mount Prospect IL

This seven piece band is appropriately named because they were always in the groove! Tight is the first thing that comes to mind. These guys have been playing together for a long time and you can tell. Everything from the rhythm to the horn section, it was right on the money.
I had never been to Blues Bar before although I've passed by it often. So when Jennifer emailed me a link to the band's website, I found out that they were playing nearby so we decided that it would be good to see the band play. A friend of hers is one of the saxophone players in the band and so it was fate that we would all connect.
Whenever I think of horns in a band, the first group that I think of is the rock group Chicago. So when Planet Groove broke into a series of Chicago tunes, I was thrilled! I'd seen the group Chicago play several times and they have been one of my all time favorite bands, so hearing Planet Groove cover material from them was really exciting!
And what about Blues Bar? Well, it was hopping! I had always thought that Mount Prospect closed down in the evening, but I was wrong! Everyone goes to Blues Bar! While Planet Groove didn't start playing until 9:30 PM, that didn't stop the clientele at Blues Bar. They kept coming in well past the hour.
Decorated with an authentic police car from the movie The Blues Brothers starring John Belushi and Dan Akroyd, this place was made for music. Blue neon lights carried on the theme of the Blues. Even after a significant amount of snowfall earlier in the day, it didn't stop the patrons from coming out to see Planet Groove. Oh and they have a HUGE monitor along the wall of the bar so patrons upstairs can see all the action going on downstairs.
Check out both Planet Groove and Blues Bar if you get the chance. You won't be disappointed! Be sure to click on each image to see a larger version.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
How Honest Are You - Part II
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Flashed by the Paparazzi

Monday, January 05, 2009
Sand Ceremony

Pre-Ceremony Photos

Mariachi Monterrey

Taylor T5
Doyle Dykes playing a "Koa" T5
A couple of years ago, Taylor guitars introduced the T5 "hybrid" guitar. At first, I didn't know what to make of it... was it an electric guitar, or a thin-bodied acoustic? The guitar had the ability to create a variety of tones ranging from a Telecaster twang to an amplified acoustic guitar. That's quite a feat!
I had considered getting just one guitar to bring with me as I played at church that could handle both acoustic tones and also electric tones. But based on what our congregation liked in worship music, I decided to buy as good of an acoustic guitar as possible. Ultimately, I ended up with a Taylor GS with Maple sides and a Sitka Spruce top. But while the T5 did not end up as my choice for guitars, I have to say, those who have chosen it do seem to get a lot of "mileage" from it.
Doyle Dykes plays one on his recent CD entitled "Bridging The Gap." While he chose to use the guitar for it's electric sounds, I've heard him play the T5 in "acoustic" mode as well. The T5 does an amazing job of simulating the sound of an acoustic, which allows guitarists to easily switch from one sound to the other without switching guitars!
Check out a T5 if you want to get a guitar with lots of versatility. To read more about the amazing Taylor T5, click here. To see the full range of Taylor electric guitars, click here.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Another Minolta Meter
Back on October 27, 2008, I wrote about one of the only original items of photography equipment that I still use for my wedding work today... a Minolta Autometer IIIf light meter. It was having some problems recently but if I bumped it around, it would work.
Well, it appeared that I could not trust it any longer as the problem seemed to happen more often. So I decided I needed to finally replace it. I was lucky enough to find a fellow wedding photographer who was selling her used Minolta Autometer Vf meter because she rarely used it and so I snatched it up! Minolta is no longer in business, but these meters have been very accurate and have served well for years.
The new meter arrived today, just in time for my next wedding on January 4. After allowing it to warm up from being out in the cold from shipment, I gave it a quick test... works fine! I decided to pull out my old Minolta meter to see how close my old 1990 meter was to the new one. The accuracy was within 0.1 f stops of the new one! Amazing!
Now if the old meter wasn't having intermittent problems, I'd still rely on it. But it's now time to retire it. But I'm happy to report that yet another Minolta meter will take it's place. I wonder if this one will last 18 years as well?
Thursday, January 01, 2009
New Year's Resolution
Because we often put together unrealistic expectations, most resolutions are destined to fail. One of the most common personal resolutions has got to be "Lose Weight." While it might be something that can be done initally, most people fail after some time and go back to their old habits.
What are my resolutions? Well, every year, I promise myself that I'll lose weight. Like everyone who resolves to do this, I never keep this promise. So this year, I'll just give it the "old college try" and see where it goes. If it happens, great. If not, oh well.
What else would I like to resolve? Well, I don't think I want to resolve anything personally. But I will try to make certain things happen for my business in 2009 including:
Book more weddings by giving clients more options
Book more events to round out my wedding schedule
Concentrate on building my portrait and commercial photography business
Network more with my professional photography friends
Try not to spend so much money on new gear (that's really hard!)
What are you resolving to do for 2009?