Like many kids in the 60's, I got an allowance from my parents. I think I initially got $0.25 per week. Eventually, that went up to as much as $2.00 per week. So what did I do with all that money?
Well, model building was a big thing for kids back then. You know, the plastic models that required you to use model glue to put it together. I bought a lot of models. They included cars, army tanks, ships... but the four models that were my favorites were:
The Visible Man
Well, model building was a big thing for kids back then. You know, the plastic models that required you to use model glue to put it together. I bought a lot of models. They included cars, army tanks, ships... but the four models that were my favorites were:
The Visible Man
The USS Enterprise (Star Trek)
The Flying Sub (Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea)
The Robot (Lost In Space)
I recall owning at least two (maybe three) models of the Enterprise, two Robots and at least two Visible Man models, one of which I still have today, but it's a more recent version.
What happened to the rest? Well, I guess they either broke or I threw them away.
I really liked the model of the Enterprise because it had lights that lit up the interior of the ship. And the Robot was probably my absolute favorite model.
I recall that you could not buy the model glue without a note from your parents. Back then, kids used to "sniff glue" to get high and model glue was one of the more potent products. I'm not sure what they do today. And no, I never sniffed model glue! I could never understand why anyone would sniff things like that.. it would just give you a major headache! Why would anyone want that?!
Besides model kits, I'd also buy comic books. My favorites were Superman and Archies Comic books. I've probably owned some Spiderman comic books too back then and a variety of others, but I can remember which. No, I don't collect comics today. Back then, we just read them and threw them away. Yeah, if only we knew then what these comic books would be worth today!
Checking out eBay, I'm surprised by how many nostalgia products are sold... and at pretty high prices too. Makes me think that perhaps you should not throw ANYTHING away because one day, it could be worth something. But then, you'd be a pack rat and that's not good either.
How did YOU spend your money as a kid?
The Flying Sub (Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea)
The Robot (Lost In Space)
I recall owning at least two (maybe three) models of the Enterprise, two Robots and at least two Visible Man models, one of which I still have today, but it's a more recent version.
What happened to the rest? Well, I guess they either broke or I threw them away.
I really liked the model of the Enterprise because it had lights that lit up the interior of the ship. And the Robot was probably my absolute favorite model.
I recall that you could not buy the model glue without a note from your parents. Back then, kids used to "sniff glue" to get high and model glue was one of the more potent products. I'm not sure what they do today. And no, I never sniffed model glue! I could never understand why anyone would sniff things like that.. it would just give you a major headache! Why would anyone want that?!
Besides model kits, I'd also buy comic books. My favorites were Superman and Archies Comic books. I've probably owned some Spiderman comic books too back then and a variety of others, but I can remember which. No, I don't collect comics today. Back then, we just read them and threw them away. Yeah, if only we knew then what these comic books would be worth today!
Checking out eBay, I'm surprised by how many nostalgia products are sold... and at pretty high prices too. Makes me think that perhaps you should not throw ANYTHING away because one day, it could be worth something. But then, you'd be a pack rat and that's not good either.
How did YOU spend your money as a kid?