I remember when I was growing up, my dad had a Polaroid camera. It was a rather large one compared to the one you see pictured here. After taking the photo, he waited one minute for the picture to develop automatically and then peeled off the backing paper to reveal the print. Then he had to rub some chemicals on it with an applicator to stabilize and stop the developing. It was really "high-tech" stuff back then to see a photo in just one minute!
Today, we are all used to digital cameras giving us instant images on an LCD screen on the back of our cameras. And, if we want to print an image, we just upload the file to our computers and hit the print button on our color desktop printers. It's fast and convenient.
But with digital cameras' new technology, companies like Polaroid have lost a lot of market share. I suppose it's just the way it is when new things become available. Still, it's nice to remember how we used to marvel at the technology in the past thinking it was the wave of the future. I wonder where we go after digital?
This particular Polaroid 600 series camera was made for "business." I'm not quite sure why this one is more suited for business since other Polaroid cameras seem to offer the same or similar features and they were not called a "Business Edition" camera. Perhaps it's because it is all black and doesn't have any "frills." Who knows. I like it because it's a nice compact design and easy to use. This one that I have is in mint condition. Be sure to click on each image for a closer look.