Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October 4, 2005

Well, this is my first entry on my newly formed Blog site!

For those who know me, you know I'm not one to be without something to say. So stay tuned and learn what you can about photography, weddings, forensics, music and other things I like discussing!

I decided it was best to cover a variety of topics on my blog site rather than just weddings and photography. After all, a blog is really just a daily diary of the writer and I do have other interests besides just photography and weddings! Well, maybe most of the things I think about seem to hover around those two topics... but I do try to think about other things too!

You'll learn a lot about how to make your wedding day a great one and you'll learn a lot about me at the same time!

I do invite you to suggest topics you want me to cover as well. So you are always very welcome to contact me about it.

And, lastly, please be sure to visit my website at http://www.russlowe.com . Don't miss the link on the slideshow presentation. It's a new option I've added for all my current and past weddings. Be sure to turn off the sound from the main webpage before visiting the slideshow though so the two background music don't blend together.

Thanks again for visiting and come back often!!

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