Thursday, October 27, 2005

Facing Your Guests

Most often, the bride and groom face forward at weddings making it difficult for the guests to see their faces during the ceremony. Well here’s a novel approach to solve that problem.

If you have steps at the front of the church, consider this position as an alternative to the standard “line-up.” The bride and groom take the top landing facing the guests and each attendant takes a step below. The priest and alter boy have taken the lowest position. The bridal party form a semi-circle with their positions so that everyone can see them. The priest and alter boy complete the circle.

It’s great for the guests and great for the photography as well. I was able to photograph this wedding without sneaking in front just to get a shot of the bride & groom’s face during the ceremony. I wasn’t allowed in front anyway due to the church’s restrictions.


Momma said...

i definately would have done this had i thought of it before my wedding! awesome idea!

russlowe said...

Yes, it's a great alternative.

Anonymous said...


There has been a good reason why brides and grooms face the other way - they are submitting themselves before God. But I suspect rituals and traditions are bound to change and we may just see more couples opting to face the audience. Sure helps photographers capture those tender, loving, meaningful moments a whole lot easier!


russlowe said...

Thanks for your comment Seshu! I visited your site as well. Very nice! It's nice to have other photographers visiting here as well. Best wishes to you!