Recently, I exchanged email messages with one of my brides from 2005 about getting better pictures with her new digital camera. She's an aspiring photographer... who knows, maybe one day we'll see her shooting weddings!
But during that email exchange, I brought up the subject of composition and mentioned the "Rule Of Thirds." So rather than just sharing this secret with just her, I thought I'd post it here for all of you to read.
The Rule Of Thirds is used in many photos to get better dynamics in composition. The photo here shows this composition. If you divide the photo into a "Tic-Tac-Toe" grid, you'll find that the subject's head is placed in the third to the upper left and his legs extend out to the bottom third to the lower right.
Had I shot this image with his head in the middle of the photo, a lot of the dynamics of the photo would be lost. Following the rule of thirds helps keep the interest in the photo.
Never thought about this, but it makes a lot of sense. I'm going to use this some time, but don't give away all your secrets.
Thanks for your concern, but it's been said before that those who share things gain things as well.
Actually, this isn't a secret. It's used in all forms of visual arts.
I don't mind helping others with their photography. And, it doesn't ever hurt my business either. I think my clients recognize that I'm secure in what I do and these little "secrets" just reinforces that I just want to promote the quality of photography.
There's so much more to good wedding photography than just taking a good picture. Part of that is helping others to improve their shots as well. I'm glad to do it.
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