This colorful shot was taken by my daughter with a Fuji F10 point & shoot digital camera. While I was out shooting a wedding, she was at another wedding as a guest and came back with this shot of a "tea ceremony." The tea ceremony is something Asians do.
There's some camera shake in this shot since it was taken with very low light and the camera was hand-held. but the image still works. I really like the deep blue color of the sky. Originally, the shot was very "orange" since auto white balance on the camera did not do the proper job... so we just did a little computer magic to it. After we played with the correction software, we were amazed at how much better the image looked.
The only other thing done to this image was to crop it to eliminate some of the people in the foreground.
Not bad for a quick grab shot don't you think? Notice the "pro" photographer in the shot photographing the ceremony. I'm sure his shots look good up close, but this one is cool because the distance of the shot captures the entire setting. I can just imagine what this shot would have looked like if my daughter had one of my DSLR cameras with her and a good lens on it. But it's not bad for an image taken with a little point and shoot camera shot by a high school kid. ;)
I like it. Do you?
Maybe I should get her a "good" camera one day, huh? lol
Edit Note: (4:57 pm) My daugther just informed me that she held the camera over her head to shoot over the tops of other people's heads. That's why she got some camera shake. Still, not bad!
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