What do you think of this image?
This was taken at last Saturday's wedding. The image was created "in-camera" rather than in Photoshop. Well, Photoshop did help in giving some contrast and also providing the vignetting on the edges of the frame, but the circular light effects were done in the camera.
How was it done? You tell me!
Dear Russ,
Did you use the fisheye and drag the shutter speed??
Partially correct...
Here's how it was done:
Shutter was dragged at 1/2 second with the 17-55mm lens at 17mm at f 4.0. ISO setting was ISO 200.
As the shutter was released, the flash stopped the action of the dancing couple and I turned the camera counterclockwise. Since the shutter was still open, it continued to record the ambient light from the light fixtures. The camera being rotated created the circular streaks of light.
Thanks to everyone for their email guesses! Many of you were correct!
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