I had lunch today with one of my mentors from the past... Rodrigo V from the Chula Vista Police Department and his wife Terry! I had not seen Rodrigo in at least 20 years. He and his wife came to visit Chicago and so we all went out to lunch to catch up on all the years that have passed.
Rodrigo was the evidence technician at the Chula Vista Police Department when I was there interning at the PD while waiting for a full-time position to open up. Ultimately, I left Chula Vista PD to work for the San Diego District Attorney's Office where I got my court qualifications in both Forensic Photography and Forensic Audio. While I was at CVPD, Rodrigo was one of my mentors... teaching me the ropes at the crime lab.
I had worked at the San Diego Police Department prior to working at Chula Vista PD and initially was a little disappointed to go from a large police department to a smaller police department. But after working at CVPD, I quickly learned that smaller departments can actually be just as rewarding.
I recall that the police department needed to have some photos taken to show the various jobs that the crime lab did on a daily basis and so my photo was taken for that purpose. Look how young I looked back then! And check out those glasses!!
According to Rodrigo, these photos remained at the crime lab for about 25 years! Just before he retired from the department, he grabbed the photos and gave them to me as a gift today! I was so surprised to see them because I had forgotten all about them! Amazingly, the images were in great condition and still mounted to the original display boards!
It was great to see my old friend and mentor again after all these years. I consider the friends I made while working in San Diego among my very best friends. Some had already retired, moved on or passed away, but they are always on my mind and in my heart. I need to get back there for a visit! I have been away too long!