Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Has Digital Photography Improved Over The Years?

Last week, I went to Washington, DC and got a chance to photograph the outside of the White House like I did around 2001.  But back then, I used a Sony Mavica digital camera that was loaned to me for the trip.

Because this image was taken before the 9-11 incident, security was not as high as it is most likely today, so I was able to get closer and not have the gate in the way.

If you would like to see how much the image qualities have changed over the years, click on the images and download each image and then zoom in to view them.  The most recent image of the White House was taken with a Nikon D4 (4928 x 3280 pixels) with a Nikon 24-70mm f2.8 lens.  I think you'll see quite the difference in image quality!

The old Sony Mavica recorded onto a 3.5" floppy disk at 1024x768 pixels of resolution.  Yes, it was great in its day, but nowhere close to what we can do today!  The image quality is nowhere close to the Nikon D4.  Had the image been taken with the new Nikon D850 (a higher resolution camera than the D4), it was be even better!

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