Monday, February 11, 2019

Food Photography

Nothing better than taking a photo and then getting to eat the subject!

The top photo was taken with an iPhone 6s+.  The bottom photo was taken with a Canon G7xMkII point and shoot camera.

I asked my students which photo was better and why and unanimously, they all picked the bottom photo!

The reasons given included, better angle, better lighting, better color, better plating of the food, sharper/clearer image, the image "pops" better, better shallow depth of field...

It just goes to show that while the iPhone can take a decent photo, using a better camera that is dedicated to adjusting parameters along with better light and color balancing, the image can look a lot better.

Granted, these are two different salads, but you get the idea.

I assembled these salads at Jason's Deli in Schaumburg, IL.  The camera for the bottom image was set on Aperture Priority mode.  ISO 640, f8.0, 1/60 second.  Shot in RAW and converted to JPG with Adobe Lightroom.

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