Sunday, June 29, 2008

Horse Killed On The Way To A Wedding

While traveling on my way to this Saturday's wedding, I passed the scene of an accident which I had never seen before.

Lying on the road was a horse that had just been hit by a car. Several people were trying to comfort the horse as it lay in a huge pool of blood. A man was carrying a 13 year old boy onto a waiting stretcher to be put into the ambulance.

My first instinct was to jump out of my car and take photos since my camera was right on the passenger seat of my car. But I knew I was limited on time and needed to be at the church soon. So all I could do was pass on by the accident scene like the other cars.

The horse was still alive when I drove past and firemen and other people did what they could to calm the horse down.

Today, in the Chicago Tribune's website, I found out that the 13 year old boy was thrown off the horse before it darted into the street. Nobody was hurt except for the horse who later died.

I had some interesting things happen at weddings, but nothing like this while going to a wedding.

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