Sunday, July 19, 2009

Successful Fishing Outing At The Skokie Lagoons

My small 8 or 9 inch Bass

My nephew's 15 inch Bass


23.5 inch Walleye

Several years ago, I was taught how to fish by my friend Gayle and so every Sunday, just before going to church, I'd get up and head out to Busse Woods to try my luck. I'd catch a few small bullheads and throw them back in and then go home, take a shower and then head off to worship team practice at church by 9 AM.

I did that for all of one season. Then I'm not sure what happened, but years went past and I didn't go fishing again. I suppose that was because I wanted someone to go with me, but nobody ever did.

Now, my nephews and nieces seem to have taken up the interest and they have been anxiously going with me.

So on a recent trip to the Skokie Lagoons, I was able to catch a small 8 or 9 inch Bass, my nephew caught a larger one (15 inches) and my wife's cousin caugtht a small Pike. Moments after releasing the pike, he immediately caught a HUGE Walleye which measured 23.4 inches!

I'm anxious (like the kids) to head back out to try our luck again. If we catch anything worth reporting, I'll post it here again.

I apologize for the poor images this time as the photos of the larger bass, pike and walleye were downsized images emailed to me from my wife's cousin and my small bass photo was taken with my cell phone.

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