Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chinatown 5K and Youth Run - Photos Now On-Line

Today's race in Chicago's Chinatown was really nice! We had great weather although it did rain earlier in the day before the race. But with an overcast morning, it kept the pre-race events nice and cool. Just before the start of the race at 8:00 AM, the sky opened up and we had nice sunshine!

Attendance was less this year than previous years, but that could be because the race had not been run in several years. So perhaps getting the word out was a little more difficult that the Chinatown 5k race was back and running. Maybe next year, we'll have more people out. Still, we had quite a few runners and the Youth Run had a great turnout as well.

To see all the photos of the day, go to and click on the Events catagory. No password is required, but you will need to provide your email address to get in. Once you are in, be sure to click on the "View Catagory Slideshow" link at the upper right portion of the main page. Using the slideshow feature makes the images larger and moves it automatically for you as well. It's a lot nicer that way.

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