Monday, September 24, 2018

Impossible To Fish Like This!

With waves splashing this high onto the pavement where we fish, my fishing buddies and I resorted to another area to fish today.  No way could you fish at Racine Harbor today unless you want to be swept away by the water!

I had a fish hit my lure on the second cast, but I could not keep it on the hook.  The fish splashed like crazy giving us hope that there were definitely fish where we were.  Several more times various fish splashed in front of us, but none were interested in what we were offering.  We later went to Kenosha Habor which proved to be very high in waves too!  I have never seen the waves rise just under the height of the pavement there, but it was very close to spilling over onto the pavement!

We didn't get anything today, but going home, I decided to stop by the Jelly Belly Factory Outlet to get a bag of Belly Flops (their rejects, but perfectly edible.).  $30 for three two pound bags and you get 2 bags free... but I decided only to get one bag for $10.  Not as good a deal, but I shouldn't eat 10 lbs of sugar!!  2 lbs is bad enough.  I believe you can buy regular Jelly Belly's and get more for the money at Costco, but I was there already, so I bought it.

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