Friday, October 12, 2018

Gene Wolberg - San Diego Police Department Firearms Examiner

These are a couple of my favorite images that I shot while working at the San Diego District Attorneys Office.
Gene Wolberg was the firearms examiner for San Diego Police Department and I was assigned to take a photo of him for an article to be published in “Law Enforcement Quarterly Magazine”. I asked him if I could take some photos of him while he was working in the firearms lab. He agreed and we got some great portraits. But after we were done, I asked him to give me one good pose of a "madman with a gun" so he picked up this Uzi and gave me this shot!
I remember Gene as the most knowledgable guy about firearms around and most people in law enforcement in California would agree. He was a great guy, but I learned a few years ago that he had passed away. He is definitely missed.
I shot the B&W images, developed the film and printed the prints at the DA’s Office’s darkroom.
These images were converted from B&W negatives to high resolution digital files... a service that Balanced Exposure will be offering starting next week. 35mm color or B&W negatives or slides can be converted to very high resolution files. Stay tuned for more info!

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