I only photograph weddings!
While other photographers shoot portraits during the week when they are not shooting weddings, I'm on the computer working on your wedding photos... enhancing them by doing color corrections, cropping, exposure corrections, etc.
Why is this important?
Years ago when photographers only shot film, the print lab would make a quick print called "proof prints" so that the client could see what was photographed. These were not corrected for color or exposure. So, often you would find dark images, excessively bright images, images with poor color, etc. But unless printed, you could not see what was shot.
Today, many (if not most) wedding photographers now shoot with digital cameras. With digital, we can see the image the moment it's taken. And, we can upload digital files on the web for you to see and make selections without even printing a single image.
But for me, many of my clients prefer to receive ALL the images shot at their weddings... and that means a LOT of computer work for me. So rather than just upload uncorrected images for you to choose from, to give all images to you, I actually start working on doing corrections on all your images starting right on Monday morning! Often this could mean working on anywhere from 700 to 1000 images per wedding! So no longer do I provide "proofs" like other photographers do (some digital photographers still do this). I provide my clients with "final prints" instead. This means the photograph that is printed is fully ready to put into an album... it's perfectly corrected for color, exposure and composition.
To receive hundreds of quality final prints that have a consistent look from image to image means that I have to work on each and every image individually. I do not "batch" or "automate" the process. I work on the images one by one. That takes time.
So while other photographers are already working on other projects during the week after having shot your wedding on Saturday, I'm still working on your wedding. Often it takes several weeks of work to finish everything. So in about 3-4 weeks, you have final prints of all the images taken at your wedding. I have heard of photographers who can take 6 or more months before you get your photos. That's just way too long in my opinion.
So why don't I do portraits during the week?
I'm too busy with your weddings!
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