My first car was a yellow car.
Of course it wasn't as cool as the Honda S2000 that you see above, but it was still a Yellow Car. The yellow S2000 that you see here is the identical car that my friend's son just purchased recently. Only cool sports cars can get away with being yellow. I mean you don't really see too many bright yellow Rolls Royce's, do you?
And look what a fisheye lens can do to really make that car look cool...
I shot the top image of the headlamp assembly from about 8 to 12 inches away. It really gave it that "bowl" look which is just so weird that it makes it even cooler that it already is! I can focus on any object within 1 inch from the front of my 10.5 mm fisheye lens and still get everything in focus. That's the beauty of a fisheye lens!
And the second shot was taken vertically with the fisheye. From the angle I shot it, the lens really makes the hood look huge!
Now, don't you want to just run out and buy yourself a cool yellow car?
What was my yellow car back in 1977? A 1976 Chevrolet Chevette (no, not a Corvette... a Chevette... much smaller, cheaper, slower and geekier... but it was new and it WAS yellow!)
Edit Note: I forgot to mention that the 1976 Chevy Chevette caught fire one day and had to have the fire department hose it down! Believe it or not, the insurance company decided to fix the car rather than total it! The car ran another year or so and then was finally sold. I suspect that after I had a new muffler put into the car, they must have installed it incorrectly and the heat from the muffler caught something under the car on fire. The entire interior was torched! The water damage from the hoses of the fire department just added to the misery!
Edit Note: The more I look at that first shot of the headlamp assembly, the more I think it looks like the right eye of a yellow "Alien." Do you know what I mean? Anyone else think it looks like this too?
now i know you're used to carrying around your camera equipment everywhere... but do people look at you funny? i was also at the auto show and i was taking a lot of pictures as well, and people look at me funny. i guess maybe because the D70 is bigger than the average pocket digital that most people have? sometimes i feel weird snapping pictures so obviously. but when i get home, i dont care because i have some awesome photos!
Hey, people look at me funny even at weddings! :)
You learn not to worry about it. I usually shoot quickly so by the time they notice me, I've already taken the shot. That's a key to photojournalism... never let them know you are there until you've already gotten the shot.
Besides, my camera with the vertical grip and huge 17-55mm lens looks "professional" to people and many assume I'm shooting for a newspaper or something. I get good respect most of the time when people see me with my camera.
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