At every wedding reception, I'm bombarded by loud music.
DJ's tend to play as loud as they can and often they don't realize how loud it is since they are behind the speakers.
But photographers (and guests) are often blasted for hours because we are in front of the speakers.
So to protect my hearing, I wear the earplugs you see here. They reduce the noise level while still allowing me to hear the full frequency range. Some earplugs will block out all of the high frequencies, but not these. They are designed so that I actually get full fidelity of sound... just at a reduced level.
While attending firearms classes in college (for my evidence technician's training) I wore these earplugs instead of the big "headphone-styled" hearing protectors. I never liked those heavy things and this worked just fine. The headphone-styled protectors block out more noise, but I could never hear the rangemaster when he was giving instructions. With these, not only could I protect my hearing from the gunfire, but I could hear the instructor at the same time.
So when I attend your wedding, don't be surprised to see me wearing these during dance time. Considering I attend many weddings per year, this little accessory is really a "necessity" for me. DJ's are often surprised when they see me standing directly in front of their speakers and taking photos! I've had a number of guests look at me strangely too wondering how I'm able to withstand the noise. Well, now you know!
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