Since we are on the topic of weapons today, I thought I'd show you the first weapon I ever learned to use... the Nunchaku.
Like many other people, I was first introduced to this ancient Martial Arts weapon while watching "The Chinese Connection" starring Bruce Lee back in the 70's.
I was captivated by how fast Bruce Lee was in using this device, so the next day, I made my own version of the Nunchaku by cutting up a long piece of bamboo stick and tying the sticks together with a nylon rope. Traditional Nunchaku's were made using rope instead of the chain you see in the picture above.
Later that year, I gave a speech / demonstration in my English class during my Sophmore year in High School about the Nunchaku. I received 30 points out of 30 possible points for that speech. Fun times...
The Nunchaku is actually an old Okinawan farming tool that was modified to protect the Japanese villagers because they were not allowed to own any traditional weapons like swords. So the farmers developed the Nunchaku and other farming devices to use as weapons. These include the Bo (6 ft staff), the Kama (a sicle) and the Tonfa (now commonly known as the PR-24 or side-handle baton in the law enforcement community.)
The weapon you see above has Octagonal shaped handles and is attached by a chain with swivels. It's a modern version of the old traditional weapon. The octagonal handles are more effective than round handles because the edges will dig into bones when struck. Brutal, but remember that's why they are considered weapons!
Today, many Martial Arts students learn to use various weapons as part of their training. Although they can be dangerous and deadly, their artistic use can also be very beautiful.
Edit Update - Here's a list of the various weapons I am familar with:
1. Handguns
2. Shotguns
3. Nunchaku
4. Sai
5. Tonfa
6. Side-Handle Batons (PR-24)
7. Straight Batons
8. Bo
9. Shuriken (Throwing Stars)
10. Archery - Bow & Arrow (although I'm really lousy with this one)
Scary, huh? :)
Remind me not to mess with you, Russ.
No worries... I don't carry weapons with me. :)
Of course you might consider the Tae Kwon Do training a weapon too...
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