Sometimes you just have to improvise when athletic equipment isn't available!
These guys were having a GREAT time at one of my recent weddings. They didn't let the fact that there wasn't a real jump rope available stop them...Now here's a novel way to spend some time at the reception...
An apple is thrown up in the air and each guy has a fork to spear it as it lands. Once you have it on your fork, you toss the apple (with the fork in it) to the next guy to your left. The end result is an apple with a bunch of forks sticking in it! A little dangerous I think, but it didn't seem to stop the guys.
I believe everyone was able to spear the apple. Quite an accomplishment really. But upon trying to go back the other way, nobody was able to do it! So I guess they can only function when they go to their left. Either that, or perhaps apples can only be speared once per person! LOL
He missed! Now that’s the kind of camera I need.
Yes, a fast DSLR camera can capture the moment the instant you click the shutter. Shooting with a "point and shoot" camera has a delay to it and you can easily miss the moment.
When you are ready to get a DSLR camera, let me know and I'll help you decipher the technical jargon so you can get the best camera for your money!
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