Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Voiceprints - Spectrograms

Known Sample



It's been a while since I've posted something related to Forensics!

Have you ever seen a "Voiceprint"? It's actually called a Spectrogram and it is NOT admissible as court evidence. Like Lie Detector tests (Polygraph exams) the Voiceprint is not something that the courts rely on. Still, attorneys ask me all the time if I can identify someone based on a voiceprint.

The Spectrogram is basically a graph showing three variables... the X axis is time, the Y axis is frequency and the darker parts of the graph show the intensity, or volume. That's about as basic as I can put it without getting too technical. Can you tell which sample, Q1 or Q2, was spoken by the person who spoke the control sample, "This Is A Test?" The samples and control were created on the software I use for audio enhancements and voice analysis. It's the same software used by various law enforcement agencies including the FBI.

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